Brian lectures Furness
The latest gathering of Furness Mark Lodge No 36 was the business meeting. WM Darren Stainton was able to declare his senior warden Dennis Laird as master elect for the ensuing year. Once again Dave Shaw managed to hold onto the role of treasurer and was so declared.
Dennis Laird, Darren Stainton and Dave Shaw
It had been intended to then hold an advancement ceremony but unfortunately both pending candidates were unavailable. It of course means that Dennis can look forward to busy and fruitful term of office as they will be held over for him.
Pictured in the foreground is Brian Davey
The Mark lecture has not been heard at Furness Mark for some time so Brian Davey was prevailed upon to deliver it. It was orated with the dignified pace and accuracy that you associate with Brian. Members and visitors alike were impressed by his work.
A simple supper of soup and sandwiches proved popular. Chris Gray, WM of Jubilee Mark Lodge No 375, echoed the thoughts of all in saying how much he had enjoyed the lecture.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear